Chocolate Drip Rainbow Lolly Cake Class Date : 13 Nov 2021 - Saturday from 2pm -7.30pmLocation : 138 Rosebank Avenue, Clayton South 3169Skill Level : BeginnerNo of participants : Limited to SixButtercream cake with chocolate drrip, chocolate shards and rainbow lolly decorations (chocolate flavoured cake will serve 20-25 people)Students will learn to tort, level and stack the cake.(Please note the cakes will be prebaked by us and students will get to start from layering the cake)Will Iearn to fill and ice the cake with buttercream (please note the buttercream is pre-made, and the instructer will explain the buttercream making and you will be given printed recipe for the buttercream to try at home)Students will be explained the chocolate ganache making. And they will learn the dripping technique.Students will learn to prepare the chocolate decorationsFinally they will learn to decorate the iced the cake with the chocolate decorations they preparedAll the ingredients and tools needed for the lesson will be provided by Cakewaves.Apron will be providedPlease bring your own snack and drink (due to covid-19 we no longer provide snacks/drink) to consume during the break.End of the lesson you will get to take the delicious cake you made and enjoy it with your family.Class notes will be emailed to students after the completion of the class Special NotesCovid-19 hygine measures will be takenSocial distancing will be in practiceClass numbers will be small and aligned to the covid rulesCleaning procedures will be implemented
Chocolate Drip Rainbow Lolly Cake Class - 13 Nov 2021
Incase if a customer cannot attend to a particular class, customer has the option to transfer the booking to a different class (difference in price will be transferred to a giftvoucher if the class is lesser in value than the previously booked class or the customer has to pay the difference if the class is expensive than the one which was previously booked)
will be replaced to a gift voucher (valid for three years) to the equalent of the amount paid for the class.
Alternatively we are happy to replace your slot if you find a replacement. But we will not do refunding and rebooking for the replacement. Fund transferring needs to be handled between you two.Each class required a minimum number of attendees, incase of less attendees Cakewaves will either reschedule or cancel the class. Paid attendees will be given a choice of attending to the rescheduled class or any other upcoming class of their choice or will be refunded when they could not find anything suitableCakewaves reserves the rights to cancel or postpone the class due to lack of attendees or any government restrictions related to Covid-19.